Emergency Medical Technology

Area of Study: Emergency Medical Technology
Degree/Certificate: Associate of Applied Science degree in Emergency Medical Technology
Academic School: Nursing and Health Professions
State of Ohio: Meets educational requirements
The College was notified following a site visit from the Ohio Department of Public Safety Division of Emergency Medical Services that national registry exam pass rates for the EMS Program are below minimum standards. As a result, the program has been placed on probation through January 31, 2026. The program continues to be accredited during this period.
To prepare competent entry-level Emergency Medical Technicians at all levels in the cognitive (knowledge), psychomotor (skills) and affective (behavior) learning domains, with or without exit points at the Emergency Medical Technician - Intermediate, and/or Emergency Medical Technician and/or First Responder levels.
This degree program delivers an additional level of training for individuals who wish to provide emergency medical services in the community.
Three levels of training are available: EMT-B, EMT-P and Associate of Applied Science degree in Emergency Medical Technology. Certification is provided by the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT) and the Ohio Department of Public Safety’s Division of Emergency Medical Services. The degree program contains one or more embedded certificates that are automatically awarded when certificate requirements are met.
Graduates may function on the levels required by Ohio law to provide basic and advanced life support under the direction of a physician, as well as to provide supervision of emergency services operations.
Students will learn the strategic management and ethical decision-making skills needed to lead, schedule and staff EMS systems. Credits transfer to four-year partner institutions, making this program ideal for those who wish to become supervisors.